ACSA Charter

The pressure to produce more food for an increasing population, diminishing resources and escalating environmental problems focus attention on the need to develop efficient, stable and sustainable crop production systems. To achieve this goal, the cooperation of crop scientists, transcending the boundaries of regions and nations is necessary. Cognizant of this situation, representatives of Asian and related science societies organized in Kyoto the “Asian Crop Science Association”. This body will convene scientific meetings on a regular basis to disseminate technological advances, share solutions to common crop production constraints, forge scientific cooperation and foster friendship among scientists in order to promote human welfare.


The name of the association is ASIAN CROP SCIENCE ASSOCIATION abbreviated as ACSA. The ACSA is a non profit, non stock and non political association.


The ACSA shall organize symposia and other scientific meetings every 4 years, the hosting to be rotated among member societies and publish the proceedings.


Membership shall be open to all related crop science and related science societies, scientists and organizations interested in the objective and programs of the ACSA. There shall be three types of membership.

  • Institutional membership shall be given to any crop science and related science societies, international and national institutions, and non-profit organizations supporting the ACSA objectives.
  • Individual membership shall be given to any scientist and individual supporting the ACSA objectives.
  • Sustaining membership shall be given to private institutions and any profit organization supporting the ACSA objectives.
Organization and Management

The ACSA is managed by the International Committee which consists of president, the vice president and the secretary general and a representative of each institutional member, immediate past president and immediate past secretary general. The president and secretary general shall be from the current host society and the vice president from the succeeding host society. The international society has the right to determine the admission for membership, sets the mission of the scientific meetings, recommends structure and topics and decides the host country. The International Committee Meeting shall be convened before the scientific meeting by the host organization.


The funds of the meeting and the proceedings shall be raised mainly by the host society and cosponsoring organizations through registration fees, dues donations from sustaining members and grants from private and public sectors.


This charter may be amended with the approval of two-thirds of the members of the International Committee.