Letter from President
Dear Colleagues:
Founded in 1927, the Crop Science Society of Japan (CSSJ) is a nonprofit academic society that aims to promote the utilization of crops and useful plants as food, animal feed, fibers, biomass fuels, and any other uses for human life and to restore, conserve, and improve the environment. CSSJ works towards this goal by implementing the ideas proposed by its members.
CSSJ has over 1,300 members, consisting of mainly researchers engineers, crop producers and students who are engaged in research, education and extension activities domestically as well as internationally.
With the aim of presenting research findings and exchanging information, CSSJ publishes Plant Production Science (in English, https://cropscience.jp/english/pps/) and Japanese Journal of Crop Science (in Japanese with English abstract,https://cropscience.jp/english/jcs/ ) four times a year and organizes meeting, symposium, workshop and lectures for its members and the public twice a year (https://cropscience.jp/english/cssj-meeting/).
CSSJ is financially supported mainly by membership fees and partly by donations from supporting members and subsidies from the government. CSSJ activities are supported by its members’ volunteer activities.
Whoever interested in CSSJ’s activity will be welcomed. To become a member, please subscribe Plant Production Science at https://cropscience.jp/english/about-cssj-office/, then you will be automatically registered as a member.
Taiichiro OOKAWA