Special Issue
We will publish a Special Issue of an official English journal of Crop Science Society of Japan (CSSJ), “Plant Production Science (PPS)”. The topic will be focused on “Abiotic stress for crop production”, and now we are calling some papers. The content of the submitted paper should be limited to the one containing the new content presented at ACSAC10.
We will accept papers in the form of review, regular paper, or short report, just like normal papers submitted to PPS. Please refer to the “Instructions for authors” when preparing your paper. When submitting your manuscript through the ScholarOne Manuscript system, please select the option "ACSAC10 Special Issue" as the category for special issue.
The deadline for submission is September 17, 2021. We would like to expedite the review process. Peer-review by independent, anonymous expert referees will be conducted, and there is no guarantee that all submitted papers will be published in PPS. Article publication fee is based on the fee for CSSJ members. The special issue is expected to be published in Volume 25 (2022), Issue 1 or 2. For inquiries, please contact the Special Issue guest editor (Dr. Mitsutaka Taniguchi, taniguti@agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp).
We look forward to receiving your submissions.