
Online Guidance

Due to the COVID19 Pandemic, ACSAC10 will be held as a fully online conference using ZOOM.

Guidance for Participants

Keynote lectures, Symposium, Oral sessions

The authors of keynote lectures, symposium, and the accepted abstracts are required to submit a pre-recorded presentation. The keynote lectures, symposium, and oral sessions will be done in a Webinar style. The Q & A sessions will be done live style so that participants can ask questions directly or using the chat function on ZOOM.

Presentation video of oral session will be presented during the ACSAC10 conference whereby participants can watch the video only during the conference period. The Q & A session wil be held in a webinar style as announced above before.

Poster session

For poster presentations, authors are required to submit PNG or JPG image files (not pdf) of 8 page presentation slide. Then, the link for these posters will be made available to conference participants during the ACSAC10 conference whereby participants can freely view posters. During the designated poster presentation periods, Q & A sessions will be open for each poster using the break-out room function on ZOOM, so that participants can communicate with poster presenters during this time.

File format of poster data was chaged to "image file (PNG or JPG) from pdf.

The details will be announced at a later date.