What’s ACSA

Asian Crop Science Association
Strive for the promotion of human welfare by the establishment of sufficient and sustainable crop production system through the acquisition and exchange of knowledge on all aspects of crop science.
Organize symposia and other scientific meeting every 4 years, the hosting to be rotated among member societies and publish the proceedings.
Open to be all crop and related science societies interested in the objectives and program of the ACSA.
Any crop science society which undertakes the responsibility of hosting the scientific meetings shall be eligible for membership.
Any organization which supports the ACSA objectives may become sustaining members.
What's New
Place | Jeju, Korea |
Date | Jun. 5-7, 2017 |
Venue | Jeju Convention Center, Jeju-do |
Chairperson | Chul Won Lee, Ph.D. and Young-Hee Lee, Ph.D. |
Place | Hanoi, Vietnam |
Date | Sep. 23-25, 2014 |
Venue | Hanoi University of Agriculture |
Chairperson | Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong, Vice Director of Graduate School of Hanoi University of Agriculture |
Place | Bogor, Indonesia |
Date | Sep. 27-30, 2011 |
Venue | IPB International Convection Center, Bogor Agricultural University |
Chairperson | Sony Suharsono |

Last Update : 2012/05/01